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What makes a video campaign successful? The essential video tips

There’s no doubt that video is a powerful marketing tool. It can be used to capture attention, create emotion, and motivate action. But what makes a video campaign successful? What are the key ingredients? There are so many elements to consider – the story you’re telling, the target audience, the production quality, etc. But no matter what, engaging your viewers is key. In this blog post, we’ll take a look at some of the most important factors. So if you’re thinking about creating a video campaign, read on! You’ll learn what you need to know in order to make your campaign a success.

What makes a video campaign successful – what are the key factors to consider when planning and creating a video campaign?

Video is unique because you’ve got sound and motion together in one single medium. It can therefore be much more effective in terms of attracting an audience’s attention. With this increased level of engagement, there are several things that should take place in order for a campaign to be deemed a success:

Content Strategy

The content of the ad needs to stand out—it’s the main part after all! Companies need to invest some time into what they want their video to say or show before they get into creating it. Failure to do so will result in lackluster promotion that doesn’t catch people’s attention as intended. This is where a content strategy comes in to help identify the main message and the story being told so that it fits within both the brand’s objectives and budget.

Identify your target audience

To have a video campaign be successful, companies need to know who they are targeting with their promotional efforts. They should not however assume that one type of person will respond well to it—different demographics may react differently based on several factors such as age, gender, culture etc. It’s important for marketers to have an understanding of what people from these different groups expect from video campaigns so that they can create content that will meet those expectations accordingly. Although this can become more difficult when looking at smaller target audiences (such as those who engage with a specific YouTube channel), it is important to remember that not everyone will respond positively—it’s just a matter of finding those specific people and using the strategies outlined above to engage them.

Set goals

It’s easy for marketers to get overwhelmed by all the possibilities that video marketing can bring. They need to set realistic goals however, which then need to be broken down into smaller parts to ensure tactical success. These should also align with overall business objectives as well as any ongoing marketing campaigns if there are any. Only once these have been defined for each stage should they move on from planning and start creating content for their promotional efforts!

How do you create a video that is both effective and engaging for your audience?

It’s more than just uploading a video to your company YouTube channel. There are several key factors that you should consider when planning and creating a video campaign for your business.

Define Your Objective

First, ask yourself why you’re making this video. What’s the end result you expect to see? Are you trying to increase brand awareness? Are you trying to drive traffic back to your website or store location? Do you want potential customers to sign up for your email list? Knowing why you are producing this content will help guide not only the messaging in the video, but also how it’s distributed by giving direction on whether it should be promoted through paid advertisements or shared on social media channels.

Consider Your Limitations and Work Around Them

Sometimes the reason you create a video is that it’s fun and new, but sometimes you have to think realistically. If your company doesn’t have a large budget for video production, consider using stock footage as fillers as long as it complements your content. Another option is taking on some of the responsibilities yourself by writing out a script and recording yourself explaining your product or service before hiring a professional editor or animator to put those visuals together. You can share those raw videos with potential customers so they know exactly what they’re getting and how their money will be spent if they choose to invest in working with you.

The Right Video For The Right Audience 

A lot of brands fail at this step – thinking that “Hey, I know what our product/service is, so of course it doesn’t matter who the audience is!” But knowing your demographic and tailoring your messaging to their interests can be the difference between success and failure. Using popular culture references within your video promotes familiarity with potential customers, which makes them more likely to watch more of your videos or share (if that’s one of your goals).

Not All Video Content Is Meant To Be Shared

It may sound counter-intuitive, especially if you’re trying to drive traffic back to a website, but some types of content aren’t meant for distribution. Videos like tutorial type demos on how to use products or business tools (like Microsoft Excel) are meant for internal audiences only because they contain sensitive information. The last thing you want to do is give away all your company’s secrets for free!

Don’t Assume You Know What Your Audience Will Like

When starting out, it may seem like the best way to increase viewership is by making videos on subjects that you know will interest your audience. But don’t make this mistake – not only will it dramatically reduce how creative and fun your channel is to watch, but if you’re wrong in what audiences find enticing, they’ll quickly lose interest and stop coming back. Instead of relying on guesswork try creating a poll or survey so your viewers can let you know exactly what they want from you when it comes to video content. Get them involved and they’ll be more likely to appreciate and share your work!

The best way to ensure that you’re creating a video campaign that is both effective and engaging for your audience is by defining what your goals are, considering any limitations, catering to specific demographics and playing around with different types of content while always keeping in mind who exactly it’s meant for. Before you know it, you’ll have a channel filled with high-quality videos that audiences can’t wait to share with their friends or family members.

What types of videos work best for different businesses and marketing goals?

With the rise in social media and mobile technology, video is becoming more and more popular. Businesses are beginning to realize how beneficial it is to use videos on their websites and social media channels. However, did you know that not all videos are created equal? It’s easy to get excited about sharing your next new video with the world, but there are a few things you should consider before uploading that first video or creating an entire campaign around it. Here we will look at video engagement rates broken down by industry, the best times of day to upload for maximum views and some successful tactics used by big brands which you can copy for your own campaigns.

Video promotion: Video content has become increasingly popular after year in both business-to-consumer (B2C) and business-to-business (B2B) markets, leading to rising demand for both organic and paid content distribution. Video offers businesses an opportunity to grow their audience by engaging them on a more personal level than words on the page. Videos provide unique benefits over traditional text content such as emotion, increased memory retention and can increase traffic to your website or store.

Best times of day: The best time of day to upload depends heavily on what you are trying to achieve from your video campaign. If you are looking to get more organic views and shares, uploading your video midweek during the day is a good strategy. If you want more views on paid ads or want to drive traffic to another site such as an e-commerce store, uploading videos later in the week and on weekends may be better for you.

The best times of day vary by industry: While this isn’t a definitive list, here are some quick stats for reference when considering what times of day work best for each industry:

The average number of weekly video uploads from brands around the world increases every year without showing signs of slowing down anytime soon. Video can be expensive if not managed properly. If you have been thinking about adding a video campaign to your marketing strategy, consider what types of videos work best for different businesses and marketing goals.

How do you measure the success of a video campaign – what metrics should you be looking at to determine whether your campaign was a success or not?

There are a number of things that you need to consider when measuring the success of your video campaign. If you don’t measure performance right from the start, you’ll never know if your campaign was successful or not – and how much better off it could have been.

The first thing you should do is set yourself some targets before beginning your video promotion: How many views do we want? How many comments? How many Likes? etc. Make sure that everyone knows what these targets are and then whether you meet them or not it can be measured as an effective campaign; equally, if we aim for 100 views and only manage 10 then we’ve missed our target – but it’s still useful because now we know what our audience doesn’t like.

One of the most important things to consider is whether your viewers are watching your videos all the way through. A viewer who watches a video from beginning to end has shown much more interest than one who clicks away after 30 seconds.

You might also want to take into consideration how many times people share or recommend your videos by word of mouth; this will give you an idea of how far around the internet the video has travelled and whether it’s made a good impact on social media.

That said, there isn’t really any one single metric that can be used as an indicator for success – and additionally, what might be considered successful for one campaign may not necessarily qualify as such for another; it will depend on your target audience and what kind of business you are running.

It’s important to not get lost in the numbers game – don’t worry if you only have a few views, the most important measure of success is whether people who watch your videos come back and spend. If they do, then it suggests that they enjoy what you produce, so keep doing it! Some examples of successful video campaigns include: Richard Branson’s Virgin Holiday campaign that generated over $1 billion in revenue; Old Spice’s Man Your Man Could Smell Like campaign which made international headlines with its creative use of social media; and the Blendtec, “Will It Blend?” campaign, which was positioned as a series marketing stunt to sell their-powered blenders at a premium price.


It’s time to stop talking about video marketing and start doing it. We can help you put together a plan that uses the powerful combination of storytelling, data-driven insights, and modern technology to achieve your goals. If you have any questions or need some help getting started contact us today!


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